This study examines the Pattern of Instagram Usage Among Undergraduate Students of Delta State University, Abraka. The study was hinged on the Uses and gratification theory which is concerned with what Individuals derive from using a medium and how they use it. The research work was carried out using the survey method with the sample size drawn from the faculty of Arts, Social Sciences, Science and Education. The administered questionnaire was returned by the respondents, and the data from the questionnaire was collected, collated and analyzed using tables and percentage. The study showed that the pattern of Instagram usage mostly adopted by students was making new friends. Also, the study showed that the student spends moderate time on Instagram, thereby reducing the level of addiction level to the platform. The study also showed that the student does not use much of Delsu internet service to access instagram. It was recommended that the students should use the Instagram network more for supplements to classroom teaching and not only for making new friends and other purposes.